The Centre believes that play is the main learning medium for children. We work hard to provide many age appropriate activities that will focus on each child’s needs and development. This will include a variety of opportunities that encourage exploration, stimulate curiosity, and invite social interaction. We also provide Phonics, Bible Circle, Sign Language Circle and Dance Play that are included in the Group Daycare Programs. The staff strives to be supportive, gentle and encouraging while working to build the child’s self-esteem. Reasonable limits are set and the children are provided with a safe, bright, and loving environment.
Parts of each day may be spent outside in the play area or in the gym as well as on walks or short field trips in the neighbourhood. Caregivers will work with families to establish routines that meet the needs of the children, the family and the Centre.

Infant to Toddler
We provide high quality childcare for children ages 1-3 years old, by providing inside and outside play, fun learning activities, music and movement circles as well as story time, toilet routine and rest/sleep time. The Blue Butterflies and Green Butterflies classes are staffed on a 1 to 4 ratio. Program includes Bible Stories, Music Class and Dance Play.
Group Childcare PreK
We have 3 programs for our 3-5 year old children. Three full day daycare classes are Mini, Red, and Yellow Stars. Each program is planned according to the developmental levels and needs of the children in the classes. Programs each include: Music, Dance Play, Sign Language, Phonics, and Bible Circle.

Half Day Progam
(September to June)
Our half day program runs on the school district 43 calendar September to June. Two half day daycare c;asses are Purple (9:00am to 1:00pm) and Silver (8:00am to 3:15pm). Each program is planned according to the developmental levels and needs of the children in the classes. Programs each include: Music, Dance Play, Sign Language, Phonics, and Bible Circle.
School Age Care
Our School Age Care children are divided into three separate classes: K-1 (Little Stars), Grades 2-3 (All Stars), and Grades 4-5 (Superstars) in order to provide an environment that focuses on their age appropriate areas of development.
Our program consists of creative and challenging activities, field trips and exploration opportunities, as well as providing time for doing homework and free play with friends.

Summer Camp
We have Summer Camp for our 6-12 year old children. Summer Camp at Shining Star is a fun filled time spent enjoying exploring the world around us on field trips, visits from special guests, and fun in centre activities including water play, sports, creative arts and more!